Next Page Section Category Next Page URL Selectors

CSS selectors for next page URL in a category page. This is a type of Selector and Attribute Setting.


If you want the plugin to crawl post URLs in more than one page of a category, you must enter a CSS selector that is able to find the next page URL. Otherwise, the plugin will only be able to crawl the first page of a category.

The plugin will use the CSS selector to find the next page URL when crawling a category page. Therefore, the next page URL must exist in each category page that has a next page. This is the typical case for many web sites, because the user must be able to go to the next page of the category by clicking the next page link. In case there is no next page link, it is probably because it is the last page of the category.

When using Visual Inspector, the plugin tries to find the next page URL automatically. You can see an example of this by watching the following video.

As it can be seen, a CSS selector that finds the next page URL is automatically found by Visual Inspector. You can also select the link of the next page URL existing in the page as it is shown in the following video.

In the video, after finding the next page URL link’s selector using Visual Inspector, button is used to make sure that the found URL is correct. As you can see, the URL points to the second page. After that, the second page URL is used as test URL by entering it into Test Category URL setting and button of this setting is used to make sure the next page URL is correctly found. As you can see, the next page URL points to the third page, which is the correct behavior.


It is important to test the next page URL selector in more than one category page to ensure that the URL is correctly found. This is because the same selector might not match the same element in another page. Hence, it is recommended to test the next page URL selector in more than one category page.