6.4.2. Spin Rewriter API Options
The explanations of the API settings are directly copied from Spin Rewriter API documentation. Email address
The email address that you’re using with Spin Rewriter. API Key
Your unique API key. Available under API Key page on the website of Spin Rewriter. The screenshot of the page showing the API key can be seen in Fig. 6.1.

Fig. 6.1 API key page of Spin Rewriter. The API key is shown in the blue box. Confidence Level
The confidence level of the rewrite process.
Low: | Largest number of synonyms for various words and phrases, least readable unique variations of text |
Medium: | Relatively reliable synonyms, usually well readable unique variations of text |
High: | Only the most reliable synonyms, perfectly readable unique variations of text | Auto Protected Terms
Should Spin Rewriter automatically protect all capitalized words? Nested Spintax
Should Spin Rewriter also spin single words inside already spun phrases?
If this is checked, the returned spun text might contain 2 levels of nested spinning syntax. Auto Sentences
Should Spin Rewriter spin complete sentences?
If checked, some sentences will be replaced with a (shorter) spun variation. Auto Paragraphs
Should Spin Rewriter spin entire paragraphs?
If checked, some paragraphs will be replaced with a (shorter) spun variation. Auto New Paragraphs
Should Spin Rewriter automatically write additional paragraphs on its own?
If checked, the returned spun text will contain additional paragraphs. Auto Sentence Trees
Should Spin Rewriter automatically change the entire structure of phrases and sentences?
If checked, Spin Rewriter will change “If he is hungry, John eats.” to “John eats if he is hungry.” and “John eats and drinks.” to “John drinks and eats.” Use Only Synonyms
Should Spin Rewriter use only synonyms of the original words instead of the original words themselves?
If checked, Spin Rewriter will never use any of the original words of phrases if there is a synonym available. This significantly improves the uniqueness of generated spun content. Reorder Paragraphs
Should Spin Rewriter intelligently randomize the order of paragraphs and unordered lists when generating spun text?
If checked, Spin Rewriter will randomize the order of paragraphs and lists where possible while preserving the readability of the text. This significantly improves the uniqueness of generated spun content. Text with spintax?
Check this if you want to get the spinning result in spin syntax, not human readable text.