6.6. Lifecycle of Events

This section contains the lifecycle of events such as URL collection, crawling, and recrawling events. The lifecycle term refers to the order of application of, e.g., settings defined by you. The lifecycle of the events are given so that you can feel more comfortable while using the settings. If you know which setting is applied when, you have a deeper understanding of the settings and how to use them.

6.6.1. URL Collection Event

The list below shows the order of application of the settings when collecting post URLs from category pages.

  1. Make a request to the target URL by adding Cookies and get the source code

  2. Find and replace in raw HTML

  3. Event: “After category request is made” (The filters registered to this event are executed)


    The rest of the items will not be executed if there is an error at this point, such as a “page not found” error or HTML parsing errors.

  4. Find and replace in all post pages (in General Settings Page)

  5. Find and replace in HTML at first load

  6. Find and replace in element attributes

  7. Exchange element attributes

  8. Remove element attributes

  9. Find and replace in element HTML

  10. Convert JSON to HTML

  11. Convert JSON to HTML automatically?

  12. Unnecessary Element Selectors

  13. Resolve relative URLs existing in the source code

  14. Event: “After category crawler is ready” (The filters registered to this event are executed)

  15. Post URL Selectors

  16. Prepare featured images

    1. Featured Image Selectors
    2. Find and replace in featured image URL
    3. Post links come before featured images?
  17. Collect URLs in reverse order?

  18. Next Page URL Selectors

  19. Event: “When the category data is ready” (The filters registered to this event are executed)

  20. CSS selectors for empty value notification

6.6.2. Post Crawl and Recrawl Event

The list below shows the order of application of the settings when crawling and recrawling a post.


Certain details are not saved when recrawling. For more information, please refer to Recrawling Section.

  1. Make a request to the target URL by adding Cookies and get the source code

  2. Find and replace in raw HTML

  3. Event: “After post request is made” (The filters registered to this event are executed)


    The rest of the items will not be executed if there is an error at this point, such as a “page not found” error or HTML parsing errors.

  4. Find and replace in all post pages (in General Settings Page)

  5. Find and replace in HTML at first load

  6. Find and replace in element attributes

  7. Exchange element attributes

  8. Remove element attributes

  9. Find and replace in element HTML

  10. Convert JSON to HTML

  11. Convert JSON to HTML automatically?

  12. Resolve relative URLs existing in the source code

  13. Prepare pagination information by using the settings defined in Pagination Section

  14. Remove unnecessary elements by using the selectors defined in Unnecessary Element Selectors

  15. Event: “After post crawler is ready” (The filters registered to this event are executed)

  16. Prepare post title

    1. Post Title Selectors
    2. Find and replace in post’s title
  17. Post Slug (Permalink) Selectors

  18. Prepare post excerpt

    1. Post Excerpt Selectors
    2. Find and replace in post’s excerpt
  19. Post Content Selectors

  20. Prepare categories

    1. Category Name Selectors
    2. Category Name Separators
  21. Prepare custom short codes

    1. Custom Short Code Selectors
    2. Find and replace in custom short codes
    3. Find and replace in custom short code contents
  22. Prepare publish date

    1. Post Date Selectors
    2. Find and replace in dates
    3. Minutes that should be added to the final date
  23. Prepare list-type post information by using the settings under List Type Posts Section

  24. Prepare post tag and meta information

    1. Post Tag Selectors
    2. Save meta keywords?
    3. Find and replace in meta keywords
    4. Add meta keywords as tags?
    5. Find and replace in post’s each tag
    6. Save meta description?
  25. Prepare custom post meta

    1. Custom Meta Selectors
    2. Custom Meta
    3. Find and replace in custom meta
  26. Prepare taxonomies

    1. Custom Taxonomy Value Selectors
    2. Custom Taxonomy Value
  27. Prepare and save media files

    1. Featured Image Selectors
    2. Find and replace in featured image URL
    3. Gallery Image URL Selectors
    4. Image URL Selectors
    5. Save all images in the post content?
    6. Find and replace in image URLs
    7. Save the found files
  28. Save WooCommerce product details by using the settings defined under WooCommerce Section

  29. Prepare the templates

    1. Post Title Template
    2. Post Excerpt Template
    3. List Item Template
    4. Remove links?
    5. Convert iframe elements to short code
    6. Convert script elements to short code
    7. Gallery Item Template
    8. Post Content Template
    9. Template Unnecessary Element Selectors
    10. Find and replace in post’s content
    11. Replace short codes that are defined by the plugin in all templates
  30. Prepare the post data

    1. Embed social media posts and other media
    2. Remove empty HTML elements and comments
    3. Remove scripts
  31. Event: “When the post data is ready” (The filters registered to this event are executed)

  32. Translate the selected contents (Translatable Fields) by using the selected translation service (Translate with)

  33. Event: “After translation” (The filters registered to this event are executed)

  34. Spin the selected contents (Spinnable Fields) by using the selected spinning service (Spin with)

  35. Event: “After spinning” (The filters registered to this event are executed)

  36. CSS selectors for empty value notification

After the post data is crawled, it is saved to the database. During the saving operation, these events occur:

  1. Save post details, such as WooCommerce product data
  2. Event: “After post details are saved” (The filters registered to this event are executed) (This is executed only when a post is being saved, meaning that this is not available during the tests performed in the Tester Page. You can manually save a post via Manual Crawling Tool to test this.) If there are no post details that need to be saved, this event is still executed.
  3. Save custom post meta
  4. Save taxonomies
  5. Trigger save_post hook
  6. Event: “After post is completely saved” (The filters registered to this event are executed) (This is executed only when a post is being saved, meaning that this is not available during the tests performed in the Tester Page. You can manually save a post via Manual Crawling Tool to test this.) This event is executed after the post is completely saved. If the post could not be saved, this event will not be executed. For example, this event will not be executed if the post is a duplicate, an error occurs during the saving operation, the saving operation is stopped via the Stop command, and so on.